Ibnu Nafis, Juni 2017, hlm 1-14 Vol. 6, No. 1
ISSN 2252-6870
Perbedaan Lama Waktu Alih Terapi Antibiotik pada Pasien Pneumonia Dengan Menggunakan Seftriakson dan Siprofloksasin di Rumah Sakit Haji Medan
Irmayanti Rangkuti* dan Sisilmonalisa
*Dosen Kopertis Wil. I DPK Fakultas Kedokteran UISU Medan
Fakultas Kedokteran UISU Medan, Jl. Sisingamangaraja XII No. 2A Medan
This research aims to know the differences a long time over the antibiotic therapy in patients of pneumonia by using seftriakson and ciprofloxacin in RS. Haji Terrain. The research is descriptive, using case studies of design series. Samples from the patient’s medical record pneumonia, research conducted in November – January 2017 respectively 73 samples that use seftriakson and ciprofloxacin.
The research results obtained by patients using seftriakson most apparent age 73-77 years (20.5%), male (54.8%), blood pressure <120mmHg (41,1%), respiratory frequency >20 x/minute (78.1%), pulse rate of 60-100 x/minute (61,6%), temperature of 36,5-37,5oC and > 37oC (39.7%), with clinical symptoms in the form of shortness of breath (82,2%), cough (71,2%), nausea (37.0%), fever (42.5%), vomiting (30.1%), leukocytes >11000/µl (87,7%), infiltrates (50,7%), hypertension (11,09%). Patients using ciprofloxacin most aged 70-79 years (20.5%), male (50,7%), blood pressure of 140-159mmHg (37.0%), respiratory frequency > 20 x/minute (70.7%), pulse rate of 60-100 x/minute (65.8%), temperature of 36.5 -37, 5oC (83,6%), shortness of breath (70.7%), cough (72,6%), nausea (20.5%), fever (43.8%), vomiting (30.1%), leukocytes >11000/µl (86,3%), infiltrates (54.8%), hypertension (15,1%). The average time over of therapy seftriakson 6,66 ± 2,38 day and ciprofloxacin 4,62 ± 3,10 day. Mann-whitney test was obtained p = 0.000 (p < 0.05) there is a difference in meaning between long time over seftriakson therapy with ciprofloxacin. Siproflokasasin had a great time over a shorter therapy compared to seftriakson.
Keywords: Long time instead of therapy, pneumonia, seftriakson, ciprofloxacin
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