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Correlation Between Tensile Test Specimen Surface Fault of Teki Grass (Cyperus Rotundus) Composite with Tensile Strength

Correlation Between Tensile Test Specimen Surface Fault of Teki Grass (Cyperus Rotundus) Composite with Tensile Strength

Muhammad Rafiq Yanhar, Abdul Haris Nasution

Department of Mechanical Engineering, North Sumatera Islamic University, North Sumatera, Indonesia
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This study aims to determine the correlation between composite tensile strength with surface photo of 3 tensile specimens fault. In this research teki grass (cyperus rotundus) used as fiber, this type of fiber is selected because teki is agricultural weeds that have not been utilized to the maximum, difficult to eradicate and often found in the open fields. The length of fiber used are 1 cm, 2 cm, and 3 cm with each tensile strength of 23,99 MPa, 30,10 MPa and 18,91 MPa. SEM photo result of composite fault surface with a fiber length of 2 cm and tensile strength of 30.10 MPa indicates that the fiber is broken and there is no cavity between the matrix and the fiber. It can be concluded that the bond between the matrix and fiber is so good that make the tensile strength becomes the highest compared to the other 2 specimens. Photo of a composite fault surface with a fiber length of 1 cm and a tensile strength of 23.99 MPa shows that the fiber is broken, but there is little cavity between the matrix and the fibers. It can be concluded that the bond between the matrix and the fiber is not that good so that the composite tensile strength is lower than the 2 cm fiber. Composite fault surface photo with a fiber length of 3 cm has tensile strength of 18.91 MPa and shows that there is an open cavity along the fibers, this cavity informs that bond between matrix and the fibers doesn’t occur properly. Although from the photo shows that the fiber is broken, but the cavity still reduces the composite tensile strength to the lowest of 18.91 MPa.

Keywords: Photo SEM; Fault Surface; Composite; Tensile Strength.

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